Should Scientists Focus on UAPs?


by Vittorio Compagno for the Carl Kruse Blog

Since the release of digital cameras and, most of all, the internet, videos of UFOs and celestial sightings have appeared through the internet, raising curiosity and questions all around the globe. 


The scientific community, still not impressed by the sightings, has been pressed by the public to investigate those which, in a broader term, we define as UAPs.


UAPs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, catch a wider interest also among those that have been criticizing the numerous sightings of “green men in the sky."


The seriousness and scientific interest around UAPs has increased, following the recent decision by the U.S. Department of Defense to release a report about the sightings. The report focuses on the behavior of the flying objects, which are able to move with incredible speed and precision, allegedly using technologies not currently used or tested by the Department of Defense in any field.


Are those the first proof of extraterrestrial technology? How do we get in touch with them?


Are they even worth mentioning in a discussion about the age-old question “Are we alone in the universe? ”, or are they just optical illusions”?


These questions, and many more have been crowding the heads of everyone who has ever seen a video or a picture of these phenomena. Studying UAPs has always been a challenge, but skeptics and believers all around the globe have been trying to explain what is going on for years.


The SETI institute has decided to create the environment for a serious discussion on such a polarizing matter, centered on the scientific credibility of UAPs. 

The moderator, Molly Bentley, host and producer of Big Picture Science, will assist the debate, making the guest, Dr. Jacob Haqq Misra (SETI astronomer and senior research investigator at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science) and Dr. Ravi Kopparapu (planetary scientist and an astrophysicist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), discuss around the topic of UAPs.  The discussion is being sponsored by  Carl Kruse of the Carl Kruse Non Profit Blog.  Another article on the event was posted here. and over here is the official EIN Press Release from Carl Kruse.


The hunger for explanations of the events around us can only be satisfied by science, so it must be one of its main roles to fulfill that constant curiosity that characterizes mankind.


Even if UAPs turn out to be just optical illusions, secret experiments or whatever else, we would have discovered one more thing about the world around us, making every question, every debate and discussion worth the struggle.

This Carl Kruse Blog Homepage is at 
Contact:  carl AT carlkruse DOT com
The blog's last two posts were on the Blogs of Princeton Alumni and Art Activism in The Digital Age.
The Carl Kruse SETI Profile.



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